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DISTA成立于1996年,总部设在美国加州旧金山市,是一家具备直营车公司,停车场,零售业的大型旅运企业;也是NTA(美国国家旅游协会)挑选为接待中国团组的指定旅行社 (NTA's China Inbound Program Approved Tour Operator)。 并于2010年获批成为加拿大ADS团体签证特权单位。

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Drop-off Visa Renewal Service 发布时间:2012-2-17 16:15:52


Repeat travelers to the United States may qualify to use the Drop-off Visa Renewal Service to renew their visas.  This process allows qualifying applicants to apply for a new visa by submitting their visa application via our company. Using the service may eliminate the need to come to the Consulate. The use of the drop-off service does not guarantee visa issuance. The Consulate may in some cases, after reviewing an application submitted through our company, require a person to appear in person for a visa interview at the Embassy.
Applicants may drop-off their visa application at Guangdong Tiantian Holiday, if they meet the following requirements
Applicant holding a pervious visa

1. The previous visa must issued by Guangzhou Consultant or Chengdu Consultant. It must be currently valid, or must have expired within the last 48 months.

2. The applicant must be applying for the exact same type of visa.  

3.  You must have provided all 10 fingerprints during a previous visa interview. Note: The U.S. Embassy and Consulates did not start collecting 10 fingerprints until November 15, 2007. If your previous visa was issued before that date you may not have submitted 10 fingerprints, and are not eligible for this program.

4. If whose previous visas have the "clearance received" annotation should schedule an appointment to apply in person.


Such applicants are required to present:

A. A passport with at least nine months validity beyond the anticipated arrival in the United States, and the passport with a previous visa.

B. The DS-160 application form confirmation page, with the telecodes for your name, your name, home address, company name and company address written in Hanzi handwritten on your form. When printing out your confirmation page, please set “page layout” to “portrait”. Please bring the printed, not the faxed confirmation page to your interview.

C. One Photograph: Two inches square (51mm x 51mm) color photograph, less than 6 months old, against a white background, full frontal view.

D. CITIC bank application fee receipt.

E. If the applicant goes for business, please submit the inviting letter and the route when applying.

F. If the applicant goes for travel, please submit the English route when applying.

Applicants under 14 or over 80 years of age applying for visitor visa in Guangzhou Consultant:
Children under 14 are not required to come to the U.S. Consulate to apply for a nonimmigrant visa. If at least one parent holds a valid U.S. nonimmigrant visa, the child may apply through the Drop-off service.  If a parent or parents are applying for a visa at the same time as a child under 14, the parent(s) may bring in the child's application at the time of their interview and apply on the child's behalf.
Applicants who are 80 years old or older, and have not been previously found ineligible for U.S. visas, are not required to come to the U.S. Consulate to apply  for nonimmigrant visas. 
Such applicants are required to present:

A. A passport with at least nine months validity beyond the anticipated arrival in the United States;

B. The DS-160 application form confirmation page, with the telecodes for your name, your name, home address, company name and company address written in Hanzi handwritten on your form. When printing out your confirmation page, please set “page layout” to “portrait”. Please bring the printed, not the faxed confirmation page to your interview.

C. One Photograph: Two inches square (51mm x 51mm) color photograph, less than 6 months old, against a white background, full frontal view.

D. CITIC bank application fee receipt.

E. Children under 14 years old: Please provide a copy of the child’s birth certificate/ or family hukou registration book, as well as a copy of the parent’s passport and a copy of the parent’s valid nonimmigrant visa.

If the applicants meet with the above requirements, they can submit the required documents to our company personally or by appointed representative. If the applicant is applying visa other than tpye B (temporary visitor for business/pleasure), please call us in advance.  

Our company will charge RMB120 for the processing fee. If applicant is refused by Guangdong Consultant, the fee is not refundable. But no more fees are charged when the applicant is required to give more documentation or have an interview. The processing fee excludes mailing fee.

Address for processing: 16th Floor, C Block Richland Tower 288 Hengfu Road 510095 Guangzhou city Guangdong Province, P.R.C


2011 Dista All rights reserved. 粤ICP备13055852号

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